Friday, August 17, 2007

Non-Lynch stuff


Blogger The Anti Crapitalist said...

I see that there's quite a lot of these Gulf War / Iraq films due out for release. Its odd because Hollywood voluntarily banned any Vietnam films until after the war was ended because of sentiment, so its great to see certain sections of liberal America have the balls to tackle this sort of stuff whilst the fighting is still on.

19 August, 2007 17:01  
Blogger Avid Andy said...

i don't need or want to see a skewed, pacifist view on a war . this war isn't about oil or money. take a look at what country is in between afghanistan and iraq. it's about reshaping the middle east. G.W. gets it but can't say it because of diplomacy. I pray our next president also has a clear vision and doesn't base policy on public opinion. (although it would be nice if they could communicate.) this is a battle of cultures and ideology. bin laden was right when he said americans didn't have the stomach for war. our enemy is patient and cunning. we need to wake up.

19 August, 2007 23:20  
Blogger Lucy Dee said...

Regarding the wifey thing. I'm not married so I don't know, but it's tough expressing feelings with out.. uh.. you know... expressing feelings. You know what to do now, right?

21 August, 2007 04:41  

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