Thursday, February 22, 2007

Busty ladies (and men)

Busy, busy, busy today. I don't know if it's just me -- and one day this will prove very embarrassing -- but often when I try to type "busy", I end up typing "busty". Can you imagine? There I am typing to a woman who might potentially give me some work: "Hi Geri. Are you still busty? If so, give me a call -- I might be able to help you out." Ouch!

Anyways, Red is still under the weather, so I'm trying to help her out a bit, but I'm also snowed under, and it's only going to get worse.

And tonight we can't even work a straight 12-hour day because we have "men" coming to look at our kitchen, which we are hoping to totally renovate before the summer. It's a galley kitchen, and this has been a long time coming, but it is quite necessary, even though we'll likely only gain three or four inches of walkway space. But show me a man who wouldn't be happy for three or four more inches...

I put a review up over at Such As They Are: it's for Good Night, And Good Luck., so why not go check it out?

In other news (and totally ignoring the real news in the world, such as the Italian prime minister resigning; God help us if Berlusconi gets back in), if recent traffic is any indication, I should receive my 20,000th visitor sometime over the weekend. If it's anyone I recognize from the SiteMeter, I'll give a shout-out. It could be you!

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Blogger Candy Minx said...

Oh did you really send that note to someone uh oh!!! I hope she understands. I constantly make terrible typing mistakes and goofy speling mistakes. Oh long as there is an edit feature I'll be ok.

I will check out your review curious about that movie. Package on its way to tonight new Survivor...

What fun with so many visitors that's crazy many!

22 February, 2007 23:14  
Blogger Camie Vog said...

Oh! I hope that I am the 20K! I was my 100th and 10K!! I so wanted to give a shout out to those milestones, but since it was me... I let it pass.

22 February, 2007 23:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope mz red is fellin better

23 February, 2007 03:48  
Blogger Tamarai said...

So you guys are busty then?

23 February, 2007 09:04  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL @ busty - I can see how that would be embarrassing.

Hope Red feels better soon.

23 February, 2007 09:11  
Blogger Milla said...

Fuck Berlusconi. Non portarci sfiga, dai!

Ohhh poor Red. Hope she'll feel better soon.

23 February, 2007 13:15  
Blogger _z. said...

I too, have been pretty busty lately.

I was chatting with a client a few days ago. He had asked me to design a brochure for his store's "opening", and I was explaining to him, how the brochure is going to classy and all.

(so are you familiar with those crazy emoticons on msn... you keep adding them and friends send you new stuff.)

I have a nice emoticon with the codename -ass-, and when you type ass, you get a girl walking naked and of course the focus is on her ass.

so here was my sentense:

"I would like to convey that your store has much cl(ass)"...
boom and there was my girl shaking her booty on screen.

I had to apologise for the next 2 minutes, and at the end when we said goodbye....
I got the project though :P

23 February, 2007 13:27  
Blogger me said...

ooh! let it be me! do we win a prize?

23 February, 2007 16:18  
Blogger Cynnie said...

wouldnt it had been HILARIOUS if she had just gotten a boob job?

23 February, 2007 20:42  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

busty ladies... hahahhahaha

24 February, 2007 00:21  
Blogger Gardenia said...

Don't feel bad - one day I blogged something about a bowel of food rather than a bowl. woops.

26 February, 2007 02:59  

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