Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A sleepless night, cat humping, Helen Willetts, and other stuff

It's 3:39 a.m. as I start typing this post. I can't sleep. This often happens if I go to bed too early, and last night I hit the sack at around 10:30. I woke first at about 1, then again a couple of hours later. I'm sure the bit that proper woke me up, though, was Cat deciding to hump my arm, as he does now and again. Which is why so many people come to this blog when searching for "cat humping" in Google.

While he was doing the do, all I could think about was that godawful song "My Humps", and I blame this chap for that, specifically this post. Thanks Steve. Oh, I mean not thanks, the other thing. What's the opposite of thanks? Steve is the latest addition to my daily reads, thanks to Lee. And this time I really do mean thanks.

Another search term that brings people here revolves around the possibility of weather girl Helen Willetts being pregnant. Now I have not got the slightest idea why people would care whether or not Helen was up the duff, with child, has a bun in the oven, whatever. But I can, here and now, non-exclusively reveal that she is indeed pregnant. I saw her on TV last night, and there is absolutely no doubt. Helen, I do not know you, but good luck.

On the subject of celebrity rumours and the like, I have some incredible and exclusive news regarding a pretty big star. I can't say too much right now, but I will be posting later today on that subject. You seriously will not want to miss that, so pop back again in a few hours.

I'm going to flip a coin now to decide whether it's best to read for a while (I started another Dennis Lehane book) or do some work. Ooh, tough decision.

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Blogger _z. said...

you get to chose whether to work or not? and still get paid? that's hot.

can't wait for you to reveal the gossip.

17 October, 2006 05:13  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

_z.: It's not quite so cut and dried. If I don't work, I don't get paid. That's less hot, I guess!

17 October, 2006 05:16  
Blogger Adam Frazier said...

Yea, I don't really know about this Halloween remake/reinvention - I'll probably see it just to see what happens with it.

As far as Evil Dead, you're right from the aspect of it at least inspiring people. It's funny though, that it too will suffer a remake, at the hands of its own creator too. To be honest, I think a lot could be done with a remake of that movie - I mean, if Raimi is producing it and expanding on his original concepts.

17 October, 2006 06:13  
Blogger Melanie said...

4 Dinners was playing some of your music, so do you have a CD out, if so, where can I get it?

17 October, 2006 07:07  
Blogger Tamarai said...

I understand insomnia. Really gets to me sometimes.

I had cat biting at 3am. Zak has discovered a new game: wait for humans to fall asleep. Wait for the sleep to be nice and deep and you can tell they are chasing rabbits in their dreams. Then bite any exposed flesh.

17 October, 2006 10:09  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

which side of the coin won?

uhm would fuck you be the opposite of thanks?

17 October, 2006 10:24  
Blogger Milla said...

hmmmm I couldn't sleep last night either (too many things to think about) so I wrote a 7-page letter.
And I still have some ink left.

17 October, 2006 10:59  
Blogger Suze said...

I blame Bill Turnbull, everyone who goes with feet of him gets pregnant. Just how many of the women who work on the news alongside him have got pregnant lately? Think about it...

17 October, 2006 11:49  
Blogger a.c.t. said...

Oh come on with that news, it's been 9 hours now.

17 October, 2006 13:38  
Blogger Karen said...

COntinuing the trend of middle of the night cat activity - Anubis apparently bit my thumb sometime while I slept. It's sore and slightly swollen, great.

As for the celeb news, I hope it's Madonna's adoption...oooh ooooh please!

17 October, 2006 13:45  
Blogger Camie Vog said...

News? Okay, where is it. I have the pleasure of a 5 hour time difference from you, and still nothing.

Because of your iconic rockstar post, I have created a post. Wait a few days, as there is another post which will be before it.

17 October, 2006 14:40  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Adam: I don't mind remakes quite so much if they are by the same director, but even that doesn't always work: The Vanishing, for example.

Melanie: Thanks for stopping by. I see you've changed your profile pic since last I was at your blog. No CD, no -- I just occasionally post something on here. Currently this one and this one. Enjoy!

Tanya: It's not something I suffer with often, but last night was a bitch. I'm amazed I'm still up, to be honest. Sounds like Zak has a fun game to play!

APP: The work side: I had my sensible head on. I guess "fuck you" works.

17 October, 2006 14:50  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Milla: Wow, that's a long letter. What was up with us all last night?

Suze: Fancy thinking such thinkgs of beekeeping Bill! Outrageous... But you just may be on to something.

ACT: Well, it's not so much news. It's up now anyway.

Karen: Ouch, what a monkey of a cat you have. Great name, Anubis, by the way. Nope, not Madonna.

Camie: It should be there now. I posted it before this comment of yours came through. Hit your refresh perhaps? Ooh I'm excited about your new post too.

17 October, 2006 14:53  
Blogger Tamarai said...

We prefer it when he plays Zak-In-A-Box.

17 October, 2006 15:23  
Blogger Milla said...

I don't know... I always go to sleep very early (and I am talking 'before 9pm' early) and I generally sleep until 6 am the following day with no problem (I am known to sleep for 13 hours straight) but last night it was like HELL all night. A vortex in my mind, I had. It came all out in 7 pages (no doubt tonight it will be the same).

17 October, 2006 16:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't think I was gonna suffer the "My Humps" curse all alone...did you?

You must be nuts. ;)


17 October, 2006 17:20  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Tanya: Ummm. I'm not even gonna go there!

Milla: 13 hours. Wow. That's like a world record.

Steve: Grrr. Why I oughtta...

17 October, 2006 18:08  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...


and i say (when this question arises again)... read

17 October, 2006 19:13  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

I think I will next time, Martha.

18 October, 2006 22:03  

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