Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring cleaning

Between posts about my Seville hol, I've decided to have a little clear-up of links. I've deleted any blogs in my blogroll that haven't been updated for a loooooong time -- I mean even longer than mine wasn't! I've updated some of the new homes of those who have shifted address, and I've also got rid of some of the "invited readers only" blogs (though I've left a couple of those in, hoping I might blag an invite sometime).

If you wanna get reinstated cos you're kick-starting your blog, no probs: just let me know. In the meantime, I'm streamlining.

'Sta luego.


Blogger furiousBall said...

i'm in there, whew!

15 March, 2010 18:23  
Blogger Milla said...

And you've changed your colour!! I like this blue, and I love the blue of the titles on the lighter blue.

Looking forward to some more Seville, cariño lindo.

15 March, 2010 20:20  
Anonymous mister anchovy said...

Hey Asterisk* the heck are you? It's been a while.

16 March, 2010 00:05  
Anonymous barnsley sime/cappy said...

nice to see you somewhere other than twitter/facebook again!
can't see my link in the blogroll though..grr. nat tghat it matters. people come here to read your thoughts not to see links to *ahem*

16 March, 2010 07:47  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

fB: Natch!

Milla: Yeah, I fancied a change. Something springtimey :)

Mr A: I'm good, thanks. It has, indeed...

Cappy: Thanks. I deleted your old one, but I couldn't lay my hands on your latest. Got it now, thanks.

16 March, 2010 09:08  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

yay! looks like i came back just in time. i'm excited you're blogging again... sorry it took me so long to realize. but i've sort of fallen away from blogland in every way.

i'm excited to be back though! now we just gotta get that wife of yours back :)

16 March, 2010 15:20  
Blogger tweetey30 said...

like the new color of the blog and thanks for keeping me on your blog roll... i post two to three times a week.. I have a new post but its going to wait for tomorrow... N...

17 March, 2010 02:47  
Blogger Milla said...

I just saw that you left both the Wheel and the Crossing! Awwwwww

18 March, 2010 10:43  

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