Maybe one of the most beautiful tatoos I've ever seen.
Congratulations, it must feel so good to have it complete and able to see your vision done.
Meanwhile...on subject of tattoos...we have finally caught up with the rest of season of London, Miami and LA Ink(s). Quite the seasons and it was really interesting to compare the different flavours of each show, the variety of style in the artists etc.
Wow. Wow.
holy crap! awesome!!!
i can see that whale's hole
That is awsome Asterisk.. Looks like it hurt though but cool.
Is that red?
truly awesome...a tat with a tat!
that is beyond words.
you must be so happy...
so need to get some myself.
Bloody hell! That's amazing!
Holy sheep shit, it is absolutely beautiful!!!
Maybe one of the most beautiful tatoos I've ever seen.
Congratulations, it must feel so good to have it complete and able to see your vision done.
Meanwhile...on subject of tattoos...we have finally caught up with the rest of season of London, Miami and LA Ink(s). Quite the seasons and it was really interesting to compare the different flavours of each show, the variety of style in the artists etc.
i liked London Ink, but i think they took it off down here
Thanks so much, guys 'n' gals. I love it!
Andy: Avert your gaze!
Punxxi: Sorry I didn't get chance to mail it to you before, as requested. Busy busy.
Candy/Punxxi: London Ink season 1 ran only 6 eps, I think, but season 2 has been shot and is in post-production.
Wow! The tattoo on the tattoo is very clever.
Wow - this is stunning. Amazing work, and you are wearing your art, taking it with you where ever you go!
hey mate... missed reading you... will try and catch up!
wow! that's some artwork!!!
Bellissimo! Davvero bellissimo.
And you are one crazy geezer to go through all the pain.
P.S. Weren't you concerned about copyright?
That is incredible. Can you leave me your skin in your will? I'll get it framed ;-)
there has to be some pertinent psycho babble about a naked woman riding a whale on your back. Okay, maybe not, but there should be!!!
Those are some killer colors and details going on there. Nice job.
OMG. That is incredible.
4D is scaring me a lil bit :)
Absolutely stunning.
Certainly worth the time to get it right!
that whale's eye keeps following me around the room. ;)
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