Tuesday, February 05, 2008

New tattoo (details)

I've decided I won't post my tattoo on this blog. Well, certainly not yet, and maybe not ever. The final image that we came up with is a one-off, and unfortunately people are prone to taking images from websites and copying them.

Most tattooed people, of course, borrow and adapt other images (including tattoos), and once something is on the Web, it is incredibly difficult to prevent said borrowing -- or, worse, theft.

It's perhaps hypocritical of me to say this, given how many images I take from websites for use on this blog: politicians, musicians, actors, etc. But I know I'm a hypocrite and make no bones about it!

So, I'm really happy with the way it has come out so far. There's a long road ahead of me, and many womanhours for the wife of soaping me up and rinsing me down, before she pats me dry with paper towels. Some gals get all the luck, right?

Anyways, here are a couple of details of the backpiece. Those of you who have expressed an interest will receive an unsolicited mail from me with a small image file of the whole thing attached (provided I can find your e-mail address). If you don't get a mail and would like to see the pic, feel free to leave me a comment or drop me a line and I'll mail it to you.

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Blogger Red said...

Are you yada-yadaing the bit about me slapping nappy rash cream on you and wrapping you in clingfilm? You yada-yada'd the best part!

05 February, 2008 11:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Tat is amazing. But the teeth remind me of the strongbad video: I said consummate v's!

05 February, 2008 11:52  
Blogger Candy Minx said...

Wow, it is looking intricate...pretty fascinating what you've shown us here. I completely understand not posting pics online for tats and art work. I avoid a lot of topics that are important o me because they are in progress...art film plans drawings. Not that anyone is banging on my door for art ha ha...but ya need to protect some ideas.

Cheers thanks for the glimpses!

05 February, 2008 12:48  
Blogger Milla said...

I received the whole pictures. WOW! I mean WOW!!!

05 February, 2008 13:31  
Blogger furiousBall said...

oh my god, someone cited Strongbad, you know that's a good sign!

awesome piece dude.

05 February, 2008 14:55  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

love it! and i love seeing the details up close... the whole piece looks awesome, but i really like the little details.

very very cool...

05 February, 2008 15:10  
Blogger Sheamus the... said...

the head of the whale is one of my favorite parts.

05 February, 2008 19:56  
Blogger lightupvirginmary said...

well I for one got the main picture and I'm heading straight down the tattooists tomorrow to copy it. Better luck next time, buddy. ;-)

05 February, 2008 23:33  
Blogger _z. said...

that's an amazing tattoo man... that must be big though... a lot of details!!!

is it going to be colored?
who does your designs?

06 February, 2008 04:12  
Blogger d34FpUpPy said...

em me ? u no tha addy yas?

06 February, 2008 05:41  
Blogger me said...

top banana, and thank you for letting me be one of the privilaged few!

06 February, 2008 10:42  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Thanks for the comments, guys.

_z.: Yep, it'll be coloured. This is by a tattooist called Xam. I've had previous work by him, and he designed it according to my idea.

DP: I don't have your mail addy. Drop me a line, bro. blogaboutnowt [at] btinternet [dot] com

06 February, 2008 10:43  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

nappy rash cream? Cling film?...

Tell me more ;-)

06 February, 2008 18:27  
Blogger Adam Frazier said...

I think it's really cool man - you're probably the most-tatted up guy I know.

07 February, 2008 04:19  
Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

I would love a picture! I think you have my email address somewhere...You know where I am on FB, too.

07 February, 2008 16:42  
Blogger Gardenia said...

Yeah, send a pic on - healingtreeart@aol.com

It looks like its going to be something else!

07 February, 2008 23:12  

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