Thursday, November 01, 2007

“I’m no gold-digging whore!”

I don't even know why I'm bothering to write about this. Lord knows there are more important things going on in the world, not least this or this, but Heather Mills McCartney just gets right on my tits. And since we're in the Halloween season, why not wheel her out?

Let's get one thing straight right off. I have never liked her. Even before the McCartney suffix, i felt she was a big liar. When I would see her on TV talking about her so-called modelling career, or that she lived under a bridge, and about her collision with a motorcycle that left her missing a leg, everything that came out of her mouth just made me laugh. Even the stuff that one cannot dispute -- such as the leg thing: the way she would tell it just sounded made-up, sensationalized, stretched beyond belief.

Another thing: I don't like Paul McCartney. Sure, I dug The Beatles enough, but Macca was never the talent of the group. Come on: compare "Imagine" with "Pipes of Peace" and tell me, Who are we kidding here? So my dislike of Heather has nothing to do with any allegiance to some British treasure (read: dinosaur).

And Paul should have known better. But instead of thinking with his head ("Why does this young woman want to be with boring, old, washed-up me?") he thunk with his cock ("This young woman wants to be with me. I still got it goin' on, baby!")

Yeah, you got it goin' on, Paul... all the way to the very expensive divorce courts. Because in a bid to prove to us all how much you got it goin' on, you went and had a kid with Heather. And now she's proper got you by the purse strings.

But Heather doesn't like that people think she is a whore or a gold-digger. Heaven forbid. She is a persecuted soul, like Diana or Madeleine's mum. Puh-leeeze. "I've done loads of work for charity over the past 20 years," she fake-cried.

Have you heard that other story? She claims all the while she was in Dancing with the Stars, she was suffering a broken pelvis. Oh, she's such a cunt! But what would we do for laughs without her?

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Blogger Red said...

I hope Heather and Paul manage to find the path to reconciliation: these two truly deserve each other.

Have you seen this?

01 November, 2007 13:08  
Blogger Milla said...

But Aste, if Mills gets on yer tits why did you bother listening to/reading about/watching on what she had to say?

01 November, 2007 13:21  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Red: Poor Heather. She'll be distraught that she killed that woman's dog. She'll [sob] be barely [sob] able to sp-- [sob] sp-- [sob] speak.

Milla: There I am, just watching the news while eating my breakfast. What can I do?! And don't say get rid of my TV!

01 November, 2007 14:53  
Blogger Candy Minx said...

She rubs me the wrong way too...I was nervous when she was on DWTS because I thought...what the American voting public gets fooled by this charlatan and think "she's one of us" and votes for her...not seeing that she is a big fat phony.

Fortunately, the American voting population was not fooled by a self-professed "real person".

I was so relieved she was voted off...

Which reminds me...I should go find some Youtube footage of this weeks Dancing With The Stars...

01 November, 2007 16:55  
Blogger martinobhoy said...

It is very difficult to feel any sympathy for a multi-millionairess who is fighting to try to get even more millions while, as you pointed out, there are far more important things going on in the world.

01 November, 2007 19:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People of wealth should do charity work. Shes a dick for even saying that.

01 November, 2007 19:58  
Blogger lightupvirginmary said...

I hate Paul McCartney and his toady face, and I always felt a bit sorry for Heather and thought she was demonised by the press. But her alluding to him being a wife beater whilst pretending she has her daughters best interests at heart is morally abhorrent. Keep your private life private. Also, you can't make people feel sorry for you by moaning.
(I was going to write about this too so thanks for saving me the bother!)

01 November, 2007 22:34  
Blogger Biddie said...

Ugh. I am so tire of hearing celebrities whining..Did she really allude to Paul M as a wife beater? Gawd.
All of this crap gets thrown after the break up. Didn't HE dump HER? Suddenly, he is wife beater.
Too bad that they dragged a kid into this mess.
WTF was he doing having a kid at his age, anyway?
PLEASE. Like you said, what was he thinking?
Hey, wanna dish about Britney now?

02 November, 2007 01:58  
Blogger Gardenia said...

biddie - kids for Stars seem to be the new accessory. And speaking of Brittany,she found out the require a bit more than an arm dog. Oops. I haven't followed the Heather, Paul thing - she really has a wood leg?

02 November, 2007 10:31  
Blogger me said...


personally i think she is a cold calculating cunt.
1. marry an old ex pop star
2.have his baby
3. divorce him and be set for life.

well done. i too saw it on telly. i usually come in the back door and kiss the wife (ooer) and go into the room to talk to the boy.
not yesterday.
walked in the door and saw her....
i bet thumbs aloft macca is pissing himself now!

"bea would be better with her dad"
thats the custody battle over.
and as for the 'unreasonable behaviour' claim..."your honour, the defences first evidence...cue video"
sh'es shot herself in her one good foot!!
and on that note i bid thee farewell!

02 November, 2007 11:42  
Blogger Cynnie said...

she has a mustache

( okay that was low..but..she does!)

03 November, 2007 03:38  
Blogger me said...

her moustache is low?

over here thats called pubic hair!

03 November, 2007 11:08  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Ooh yes, she's dreadful - 'look at me! Look at me!' she cries. Ugh. And I've never had much time for him either - smug git.


03 November, 2007 13:54  

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