Friday, August 31, 2007

Post #699

So, this will be the last post I do before my hols. Still not completely ready, but it's no biggie. As long as I'm sat down and have nothing else to do by the time The Shield comes on at 11pm tonight, I'll be happy.

Still got packing to do, but the clothes are basically chosen.

Cat is at the spa, or cattery.

I pretty much know what has to be done. Now I've just got to get around to it. And as long as we don't die between now and our return, post #700 should contain a few pictures from Sicily. Enjoy the break from me. Kisses to you all, except for those who shrug at such overt displays of affection; in which case, a handshake or a manly pat on the shoulder. Byeeeeeee.



Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

byeeeeeeee :)

you guys have SO much fun and be sure to come back and rub it in. we'll be waiting.

31 August, 2007 19:16  
Blogger Karen said...

Have a great time! Enjoy yourselves and stay away from the active volcanos. Can't wait to see the pics and here all about it.

PS: Make sure Red doesn't buy those damned crocs.

31 August, 2007 20:20  
Blogger Avid Andy said...

have a good time.

p.s. i think crocs are impervious to hot, liquid magma. something to think about...

01 September, 2007 14:07  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Have a good'n.

Prefer a vodka to a kiss mate. No offence....

02 September, 2007 11:50  
Blogger Gardenia said...

Stay safe and have a great time.

02 September, 2007 19:22  
Blogger _z. said...

have a great time guys...

keep safe!

04 September, 2007 00:35  
Blogger Biddie said...

Hope you're having loads of fun. Can't wait to see teh photos!

04 September, 2007 01:26  
Blogger Candy Minx said...

Hey we're missing ya around here...can't wait to see the pics...

Hope you're having lots of fun and hope Cat is enjoying the spa...

Bits the cat won't talk to anyone, he's upset by the nw room mate...see the photos at my blog..."Come and see the baby"

10 September, 2007 15:04  

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