Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I do like a good rant...


... so let's hope this is one: Chuck Palahniuk's new novel Rant. This is my first-edition, first-printing hardback, which just arrived from the States today. It's crazy, even including shipping charges, it still came out at less than the $25 cover price buying it through

By the way, American blogpals are advised they should try to attend a Palahniuk reading. Click here for US dates. And Canadian dates are here.

And see how I'm keeping it old skool with the Quantum Leap T-shirt? Fuck, yeah! That T is at least 14 years old and still in great shape. My comic-shop boss (at the time) brought it back for me from Baltimore.

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Blogger Karen said...

That's not Don Quixote...

09 May, 2007 15:14  
Blogger Biddie said...

I remember when you got the package, but I don't know who Chuck is...Do tell...
I LOVED Quantum Leap! Sometimes, I catch an old episode on you tube...

09 May, 2007 15:44  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Quantum Leap - what a great concept for a show; endless possibilities, moral certitude, the chance to make things right. Shame about the shirts.


09 May, 2007 15:44  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Karen: [gulp] Yeah, it is... I've just, um, put the Rant dustjacket on it, um. Yeah, that's it!

Biddie: Chuck is the author of the book Fight Club, which was turned into a film with Brad Pitt and Ed Norton a few years back. You remember...?

G/puss: It was feckin' awesome, is what it was. And which shirts do you mean? Mine or theirs?!

09 May, 2007 16:15  
Blogger Milla said...

Nice book cover!

09 May, 2007 17:16  
Blogger Biddie said...

Oh, yeah, I remember! He sent you all of that stuff just because? Sounds like a decnt bloke....

09 May, 2007 17:42  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

i LOVE that you're wearing a quantum leap t-shirt. hahhahaha!!

and that book cover is awesome. i really do need to read some more by him. i've only read a couple of short stories from haunted (i think that was the name of it)

09 May, 2007 17:50  
Blogger Karen said...

Oooh I didn't realize he wrote Fight Club!? One of those movies I finished watching and went...hmmm. How do I feel about that? I may have to check out some of his other works.

And you really are cool - Quantam Leap was included in Entertainment Weekly's best Sci-Fi on Film in the last 20 years. Congrats babe!

09 May, 2007 17:55  
Blogger Ben said...

The only Palahniuk I've read was Survivor (and I've seen Fight Club, but I doubt that counts for too much). I wasn't all that impressed, honestly.

09 May, 2007 18:05  
Blogger martinobhoy said...

I'm now trying to remember what happened in the last episode of Quantum Leap. I remember something about Sam not making it back and someone in a photo "leaping". Or is my memory taking the piss out of me?

09 May, 2007 18:05  
Blogger furiousBall said...

I didn't realize he had something new out, must add to reading list - danke.

09 May, 2007 18:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked at the dates. If I'm going to make the NYC one, I better hurry, it's in 1.5 hours!!

09 May, 2007 20:34  
Blogger lightupvirginmary said...

Is it out over here yet? I love Chuck. Always an easy and enjoyable read. Don't ruin it for us!

09 May, 2007 22:45  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Milla: I think it looks like Batman's sidekick Robin got his ass handed to him big style...

Biddie: That's the one!

Martha: QL rocks, sista!

Karen: And now you know. I saw QL in the EW list and was pleasantly surprised. And glad. It was my fave show for years. I even paid top dollar for back issues of the comic-book series back in the day.

09 May, 2007 23:06  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Ben: To be honest, Survivor is not one of my fave three. If you feel inclined, try Lullaby. Fantastic.

Martino: Y'know it's so long since I saw it I can't even remember it. When I get round to my Season 5 DVDs, I'll let you know!

F/ball: Yes, add it to your list. You're welcome!

Pool: Oops. A little laste notice, methinks...

LUVM: Out on the 10th over here, I believe, so tomorrow then.

09 May, 2007 23:08  
Blogger Ben said...

I might get around to that, if I can chew through the stack of books already on my plate...

10 May, 2007 00:12  
Blogger Sheamus the... said...

wow...that is an awesome cover. Let me know how the book is. I check he isnt coming anywhere near me. A little disappointed. If you had to recommend me to read just one of his books what would it be?

10 May, 2007 07:22  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Ben: Yeah, tell me about it!

Shea: I loved Lullaby, and Choke (which is just going into production as a movie), too. But Fugitives And Refugees is a great non-fiction/travel guide about Portland, OR.

10 May, 2007 09:24  
Blogger _z. said...

love the cover of the book...
before I got addicted to CSI, I was addicted to quantum leap!

11 May, 2007 03:19  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

_z.: Cool cover, huh? And I can totally dig the QL addiction!

11 May, 2007 09:20  
Blogger Candy Minx said...

Hey thanks for heads up...we'll go see him next week...coincidently we are going to see Alexie Sherman read tonight same spot...a superbookstore downtown...

11 May, 2007 15:30  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Candy: That's super-cool! I look forward to photos! And now i'll Google Alexie Sherman...

11 May, 2007 15:38  

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