Monday, April 16, 2007

New posts


Cat: A Blog of Disasters and
Movie Reviews (such as they are).

Got to head out to "the mall" now, but I'll be back later to check out all of your blogs.


Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Is that Bluewater or Lakeside? I hate the word 'mall' but I also hate the places they refer to. Have fun.


16 April, 2007 11:36  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

G/puss: Bluewater. Never been to Lakeside. Is it any good? I think B/water is mostly pretty good (in a mally kind of way) if you can get there before the lazy chavs wake up and make their way there.

16 April, 2007 14:52  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Actually, Bluewater I don't mind so much, all the chav shops are on one side along with all the shitty 'family friendly' restaurants. Lakeside I tend to limit to Ikea - very infrequently because it is akin to Dante's seventh circle of hell.


16 April, 2007 16:17  
Blogger Candy Minx said...

We had a big day at the mall yesterday. Got new phone, knickers, bedside reading lamps (10 bucks each!) and a pot for cooking vegies.

16 April, 2007 20:30  

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