Wednesday, January 17, 2007

“And the proverb told that the masked man would return, and return he did”

Back from Seville, and what a blast! It is one of those cities, like Venice, that you really know you're going to miss when it comes time to leave.

Just walking around the streets, which are awash with orange trees, is a joy to behold. Oranges are literally falling into the gutters and left to waste -- or to get picked up by tourists. One lunchtime, we even saw an orange fall from a tree and hit an American tourist on the head. It was bizarre! Look at the orange trees in the pic above and see the wonderful blue sky we had. Amazing!

I will definitely be putting some of my favourite pictures up here later in the week, but there are a lot to wade through (we took more than 1,300 photos in eight days; that's like more than 160 a day, on average!). Some are silly, poor quality, and blurry; others are really quite nice, if I do say so myself.

And of course, we ventured to places other than Seville, checking out the Alhambra in Granada, and visiting Córdoba, too.

Another reason for my hesitation in posting immediately is because it was Wife's birthday holiday, so I want to give her first dibs on the stories to tell and pix to share.

AND... I have my own special post to do too: my package arrived from Chuck Palahniuk in response to my fanmail. I will post about that tomorrow.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to have you back. It is such a beautiful city isn't it?

Any remnants of the Celtic invasion in 2003 still there?

17 January, 2007 18:00  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Wow, Martino, that was quick! I was still tewaking the post when your comment came in. Aww, made me feel all loved and stuff! Didn't notice any remnants of that particular invasion, but on the football front there was a lot of talk about Ronaldo maybe moving to Betis, so we'll keep an eye on that.

17 January, 2007 18:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're back! i'm so excited :)

i can't wait to hear more, and i like the little preview picture, and i can't wait to read red's stories

welcome back!!!

17 January, 2007 20:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back :-)

I'm looking forward to seeing your pics, Seville is a city I have always wanted to visit. I'll enjoy it vicariously for now.

ps: I like the title of this post, it raised a smile.

17 January, 2007 20:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Home! I look forward to Your and Reds stories. Seville sounds wonderful.

17 January, 2007 22:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too, welcome back! Love the pic and looking so much forward to more, more, more. Don't discount the blurry ones - some of those can be quite nice.

17 January, 2007 23:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your review! Welcome back!

18 January, 2007 01:32  
Blogger mister anchovy said...

Many years ago, my parents went to Spain on a holiday, and they talked about the Alhambra over and over and over again.

18 January, 2007 02:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back! I sent your guys' package in the mail this week so it should arrive sometime next week - hopefully w/ everything inside it this time.

I tried to open the song you sent but my email filter blocked it apparently - could u remind me as to the name of it so i might download it?

Also you def. need to make a visit to the blog, it's been a sad affair with you guys out of town.

18 January, 2007 03:37  
Blogger Milla said...

Welcome back masked man! I missed you and Red :)
I envy that Seville sky very much...

18 January, 2007 10:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where I am from in California we have a lot of orange groves. They smell absolutely fabulous when they bloom. That picture is beautiful. Can't wait to see the rest!

18 January, 2007 11:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back n glad yer enjoyed. sounds really nice out there even if I don't like oranges

18 January, 2007 11:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippe welcome back!

We need some of those oranges here in America where frost has attacked California orange groves huge cold spell across the country.

Looking forward to more news!

18 January, 2007 13:49  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Thanks everybody. Awww, y'all're so sweeeet!

19 January, 2007 16:20  

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