Thursday, December 14, 2006


If you're at work, you probably shouldn't partake until you get home.

Otherwise, click here for some festive sounds, circa a long time ago. This is me and my band at the time doing a little two-song Christmas medley, predating the Manic Street Preachers' interpretation of the first track by four whole years. Apologies for the shitty sound, but it's a live recording taken from a videotape that's 16 years old.

I should also point out that it kind of goes on a bit, but it's all right for a couple of minutes anyway. Have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe... Merry Christmas, *

sounds like it was a rockin' good time... are you the lead voice in that?

14 December, 2006 18:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey that's just great. Thanks for th holiday music. I love the sound of the voices and guitars!

14 December, 2006 18:38  
Blogger _z. said...

hey that was awesome... dude (since awesome is always followed by dude)
but honestly that was great.

what instrument did you play. or are you singing.

15 December, 2006 00:50  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

OI!! 'Kids Nights' on me playlist. DRUNK PUNK DEBUT this Saturday at midnight - straight after Cappy's show. Instructions on me blog how to listen. I'll play it even if yer can't make it.

Jax doin good. 1 Titanium rod n 3 screws in the back n her coach says "When's she back trainin?". Russian coach. Must be a culture thing!!

Hope yer make it Saturday n ta for the messages of support for Jax


15 December, 2006 02:35  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Martha: It was a fun evening. That's me as the lead voice, yes.

Candy: A bit of holiday cheer for y'all in the Windy City!

_z.: Thanks, man. That's me with the voice on there.

4D: Good to hear about Jax. And about Kid's Night being on your playlist. Nice one.

15 December, 2006 08:43  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

G-Hobbs: Why, thank you, sir.

15 December, 2006 10:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wham fan then?


15 December, 2006 11:53  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Hey B4S. Sorry I can't comment on your blog at the moment, what with Blogger Beta being a right cunt and all. Hopefully it'll get sorted soon. Not really a Wham! fan, no, but the song seemed appropriate, y'know, somehow...

15 December, 2006 11:59  

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