Here's to all our veterans - , to the unsung heros of Vietnam, years, past and to the ones in the hellholes, Afghanistan and Iraq. May the survive and come home!
surprised they haven't tried to ban poppy's as too British. Wear mine with pride. Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Neither would Blair but yer have to take the rough with the smooth I guess.
hi. I'm back.
Here's to all our veterans - , to the unsung heros of Vietnam, years, past and to the ones in the hellholes, Afghanistan and Iraq. May the survive and come home!
See Blair laying a wreath? That shit bag should be ashamed of himself.
A picture "can" paint a thousand words...
"We will remember them"
Hello! =)
surprised they haven't tried to ban poppy's as too British. Wear mine with pride. Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Neither would Blair but yer have to take the rough with the smooth I guess.
i'de call my grandpa and wish him a happy veterans day, but its not very happy for him. he wont talk about his time on the front lines.
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