The light, the momentary perishableness of life...the photo is reminicent of Bresson...perhaps a little allusion to Brugel. Forcing us all to remember the perilously fragile grasp we have on our own humanity and nature could control our every move if we do not succumb to the glorify of the image-based world of the photographer at hand. He captures our condition in the moisutre of a feline representing the "other". Temporal, ethereal. Concrete. A masterpiece.
Hey, that's the Weezer! Cat has good taste in music.
wow,,, feline indeed!
You know, when I first saw this pic, I thought it was a snake.
sorry - that anonymous comment was me. I didn't realise I wasn't logged in. What a wally!
The light, the momentary perishableness of life...the photo is reminicent of Bresson...perhaps a little allusion to Brugel. Forcing us all to remember the perilously fragile grasp we have on our own humanity and nature could control our every move if we do not succumb to the glorify of the image-based world of the photographer at hand. He captures our condition in the moisutre of a feline representing the "other". Temporal, ethereal. Concrete. A masterpiece.
Red: Yeah, he does!
_z.: Oh, he's feline through and through!
Sir Stew: Aren't all cats aliens?
Tanya: That's insane -- and you a cat person, too. Funny.
Candy: Wow, Wife'll be pleased to see all those words associated with her pic. Her head will so swell now!
First thing I saw was gaping mouth and fangs. Then on closer inspection...
Tanya: Oh, okay then!
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