Thursday, July 13, 2006

Syd Barrett

I'm sort of banned from talking on this subject at home. Wife thinks I'm hating on him. It's not that.

I'm sorry he's died; it's a shame when anyone dies, especially quite so young. I just don't like Pink Floyd. Never have; likely never will.

But all the press is saying "death of an icon". But Elvis is an icon; Monroe, Dean, Hendrix. Overused images, yes; the commercial faces of pop and film, undoubtedly; but isn't that what an icon is? Coca-Cola. Something that is so familiar that almost everyone in the world will recognize it.

Syd Barrett, RIP, is not an icon, surely. Am I wrong? And, really, I'm not hating. It's just, I am so anti-Floyd, anti-Zeppelin, that I perhaps cannot be objective on this topic...

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Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

He's not an icon. He was influential but not an icon. Never liked 'em either. Another brick in the head more like.

13 July, 2006 18:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I have to agree. A mate of mine gave me some of his solo stuff. It was shit. I knew that when he popped his clogs that the poncy press would be celebrating him (and they are). Over rated nutjob.

13 July, 2006 19:51  
Blogger tideliar said...

I like some of their stuff, but there's no way Syd Barrett was/is an icon. he only did one fucking album! He lost his mind to LSD and they kciked him out. That doth not an icon make. Now...Jimmy Page: icon. Pederast, but iconic...

P.S. *, i love the new look of your blog, especially the top banner...

13 July, 2006 22:19  
Blogger Wrinkled Weasel said...

He only made one album with Pink Floyd and It was quite good.

People say he is an icon because he had that kind of Thomas Chatterton appeal of someone of with black curly hair and dusty springfield eyes, snuffed out in his youth.

In reality he was just another tit on acid who might, or might not, have gone on to something great. Pink Floyd were always overrated, never taken seriously by the musical cognoscenti and had the odour of "stewdent" band that never quite left them.

Even hardened Floyd fans are cringing at David Gilmour's latest solo album which is vacuous blob of glop.

I agree. "Icon" is not the word.

13 July, 2006 22:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha u dudes r brutal schizophrenia is overated in iconia

14 July, 2006 00:51  
Blogger Tired Dad said...

The myth of Barrett was v.good. The music was shiiiiiite.

Fear not.

They named a string of affordable homes after him.

And Pink Floyd were never EVER good. I have all their albums pre-Waters-walk-out on vinyl and can attest to their shitness.

Erm. Wish You Were Here is good.

It's not about Barrett.

14 July, 2006 04:37  
Blogger Tired Dad said...


I should have a job on the Onion me.

14 July, 2006 04:42  
Blogger Michelle said...

I had no idea who the dude was. lol

14 July, 2006 08:07  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Thanks all. I shan't say more cos I think I've said all I can on the subject. But I'm just glad I'm not the only one slightly bemused by all this.

14 July, 2006 11:26  
Blogger mister anchovy said...

I agree completely with you. For sure the guy made a bit of an imprint on the scene at a certain period and time, but musicians ultimately are interesting for their music, and, well he didn't make that much of it. Some of my friends see things differently and to them he is a very important figure, maybe as a figure from their youth, I don't know, but I respect that as far as it goes.

14 July, 2006 12:58  
Blogger mister anchovy said...

I agree completely with you. For sure the guy made a bit of an imprint on the scene at a certain period and time, but musicians ultimately are interesting for their music, and, well he didn't make that much of it. Some of my friends see things differently and to them he is a very important figure, maybe as a figure from their youth, I don't know, but I respect that as far as it goes.

14 July, 2006 12:58  
Blogger Camie Vog said...

No, I wasn't downloading "The Wall" into the iPod as I was reading this post...really.

16 July, 2006 03:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

21 July, 2006 04:31  

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