Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The best of * (asterisk) ?

I've added a new drop-down menu on the right, and I've called it "The Best Bits?" The question mark is because it's rather difficult to judge what your own best bits are, I think.

Take a peek - maybe there's something you haven't read. Or if you're new here, perhaps it's a good place to get started. They're pretty much in chronological order, with the newest at the top of the list.

I suppose what's missing from the list is the more inane stuff, the more throwaway stuff, and arguably the more fun stuff. But you can get some of that from checking out My Reviews (such as they are) and My Six Line Reviews.

And if your personal fave ain't there, let me know and I'll put it in, cheap, crowd-pleasing whore that I am!


Blogger me said...

oh thats just fucking wonderful. like i have enough time to read everyones blogs as it is without you adding more?
aaaaaargh! oh well, i will start tomorrow.

27 June, 2006 20:52  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Thanks FF, and sorry!

28 June, 2006 01:26  
Blogger Falloff Boy said...

That is a good idea, one which I may implement myself.
Believe it or not, in amongst the nonsense and swearing, there are some things I am quite proud of on my blog!

28 June, 2006 08:50  
Blogger a.c.t. said...

I've left a comment on your entry about kids.

28 June, 2006 09:12  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Thanks for the support, guys. I know how difficult it is sometimes to go through an entire archive of a blog. What with work and my daily reads, it's hard enough to keep up to date with people's new stuff, never mind the old stuff. So I thought I'd give this a go, even if it makes me look like some sort of self-aggrandizing cunt.

I get all comments via e-mail too, so I'll know if any come in, but thanks for the heads-up, ACT.

28 June, 2006 09:40  

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