Unexpected guests. And Conan
Just as my guilty pleasure, American Idol, was drawing to a close last night, the phone rang. It was to ask whether we could put up a family of family members (if you get my drift) for Saturday night – i.e., we had just under 24 hours' notice. Of course we said yes. But it's a bit of an embarrassing situation, since I'd just cancelled my own father's visit for next weekend because Wife and I are totally snowed under with work.
Truth be told, though, it is a different sort of visit altogether, in that this evening's visitors will be arriving at 8pm. We'll eat, catch up with all the latest news over some wine and/or beer (Mmmm... beer), then off to bed. And they'll probably be on their way quite early in the morning.
But, of course, it meant we had to give the house more of a clean and tidy than we'd planned to this weekend (which was none). Starting immediately after I put down the phone. From about 9.30 until 10.45pm Wife and I cleaned, washed up, tidied, and put stuff away. It ain't great, and it ain't over, but it's a start.
And then, totally exhausted, we sat down to Conan. After a shitty day, there is nothing quite like a particularly good episode of Conan to put a smile back on your face. Conan O'Brien, that is, not the Barbarian. And last night's was good. The monologue was good, the preamble was good, and the guests were (mostly) good. Only exception...
Musical guest Pink. Now I like Pink as much as the next person – i.e., not that much – but I simply don't understand why Conan chose to interview her at such length after her performance. Most musical guests get no talk time at all, with the odd exception: The White Stripes, for example, were quite amusing when their turn came; and U2 had an entire show all to themselves (Christ knows why, washed-up fucks that they are).
But at least these artists are recognized as having some sort of merit by some people. Pink... who rates her? And to make matters worse, she just giggled her way through the whole fucking thing. Stupid girl.
Still, just got to say: CONAN RULES!
Labels: american idol
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