will always love crack. Oh I will always love crack.
In this picture, we see the one-time darling of the music industry Whitney Houston removing all her platinum records from her wall in order to sell them for crack cocaine.
Look at the way she's smiling maniacally at the thought of her next fix. It really is very sad.
Apparently she's back in rehab. I wish her joy and happiness, but above all this, I wish her love (and crack).
Your post confirms the story my buddy at Fluffy Stuffin' told me yesterday. We were listening to a Black Eyed Peas song (Don't Phunk with my Heart)in which they sing "I'll play Bobbie, you play Whitney"...Fluffy, after hearing this line says "Oooo, that's not the couple I'd like to play...She gets all jacked out on crack and shits all over her house, leaving Bobbie to clean it up. Bobbie is the last guy I'd pretend to be..." After hearing that little bit of news, I have to agree...I noticed they left the "poop" info out of the IMBD article, hahaha
Mmmm. Whitney poo. Now there's something I didn't think I would ever have to contemplate. In fact, that's right up there with living with Bobbi Brown. Tho' at least she's got him well trained. Dare I ask who wears the trousers in that relationship?
The good news is that the word "Shitney" now works on more than one level. Excellent.
Hahahaha! You are brilliant asterisk!
hes great eh camie?
Thank you, thank you!
She has a lovely bum though doesnt she
she will never look better than on the back of her debut album.
oh that legs slightly apart, back arched swimsuit shot!
Yeah, but... she's Whitney Houston, guys! You just know she'll start screeching some godawful racket at any time of the day or night. And that is not good.
The ear-piercing crazy caterwaul of a chemical-soaked banshee is not a turn on. Nosiree, not me. Especially one who controls a shadow army of killer weasels.
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